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Foundation Teaching May 2024 Blog Post ✍🏼✍🏽✍🏾✍🏿

On the last Saturday during the month of May, Foundation Teaching by Overseer Prophet Daniel Powell, Sr., was on “Forgetting vs Remembering.”

Christ gave up His will. He said they didn’t know what they were doing and what they were saying about Him. Therefore, we should not remember or focus on what happened to Christ (mistreatment and persecution, etc.). 

We don’t have peace when we don’t forget about things that hurt us, had us in bondage, when we were being persecuted and lied on, etc. This also causes us not to be in the presence of the Lord. We cannot bring our yesterday (past) into the presence of our today (future); when we do, it cancels out what God has for us today. 

To forget means a failure to remember and, in this case, a good failure. It also means to put out of one’s mind, cease to think of it, or consider it. Forgetting means to not focus on a thing or not to be preoccupied with it.

Whatever we remember is what we live in. Yesterday (past) is the former things or things of old. The devil can only do old things = the past. Only God can do a new thing and cause it to spring forth! In our today (future) there is deliverance, healing, wealth, riches, peace, joy, and miracles. Dwelling on the past can prevent us from seeing what God is doing in the present. 

The Apostle Paul teaches us, as believers, to forget. Apostle Paul said that he forgot about those things that were behind him and reached forward to those things that were ahead. We can only reach forward when we forget the things that are behind us. So, in order to start reaching forward, we have to start forgetting.

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV)

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